Air Mattresses & Headaches
Did you spend the holidays bundled up on an air mattress? Or maybe the pillows at the In-Laws house just didn’t quite cut it. If you woke up more than once with a slight headache, mostly centered around your eye, it was more than likely a cervicogenic headache. This means that the muscles in the back of your neck created tension on a nerve causing a headache. And while mildly debilitating these headaches can be managed without medication!
You’ll want to place a lacrosse ball at the base of your skull just below the last little bump on the back of your head. You don’t need that much pressure to do the trick - simply pressing your head and the lacrosse ball against the wall will do the trick. After no more than 3 minutes you’ll need to get blood flow to those muscles again. Nod your head up and down. Gently rotate your head side to side. Even a good circular pattern of your head can release additional tension.
If that doesn’t completely alleviate the pain maybe Physical Therapy looking something like this will:
Now there’s no substitute to a good night’s rest, especially in your own home. Hopefully these tips will help you bounce back from those nearly sleepless nights and foggy mornings!